Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/20/22 Lesson 1 - God appeals to Our Reason Larry Rouse Evidences for the Resurrection of Christ Wed Bible Study 2022-04-20_Evidence_of_the_Resurrection_1.mp3
04/17/22 James 5 pt 1 Gabel Duke James Sun Bible Study 2022-04-17_Jam5_pt_1.mp3
04/13/22 A Study of Religious Beliefs - The Discipling Movement Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Wed Bible Study 2022-04-13_The_Disciplining_Movement.mp3
04/10/22 James 4 pt 2 Gabel Duke James Sun Bible Study 2022-04-10_Jam_4_pt_2.mp3
04/03/22 James 4 pt 1 Gabel Duke James Sun Bible Study 2022-04-03_Jam_4.mp3
03/27/22 James 3 Gabel Duke James Sun Bible Study 2022-03-27_Jam_3.mp3
03/23/22 A Study of Religious Beliefs - Multisite Churches Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Wed Bible Study 2022-03-23_Multisite_Churches.mp3 032322_-_Lesson_6_-The_Church_of_the_Highlands_and_Multisite_churches_-_A_Study_of__Religious_BeliefsRevised.pdf
03/20/22 James 2:5-26 Gabel Duke James Sun Bible Study James_2-3.docx 2022-03-20_Jam_2.5-26.mp3
03/16/22 An Overview of Mormonism pt 2 Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Wed Bible Study 2022-03-16_Religious_Beliefs_L10.mp3 030922_-_Lesson5-AnOverviewOfMormonism.pdf
03/13/22 James 1:19 - 2:4 Gabel Duke James Sun Bible Study 2022-03-13_Jam_2.mp3
03/09/22 An Overview of Mormonism pt 1 Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Wed Bible Study 2022-03-09_Religious_Beliefs_L9.mp3
03/06/22 James 1:1-18 Gabel Duke James Sun Bible Study 2022-03-06_Jam_1.mp3
02/27/22 Ephesians Chapter 6 Martin Adams Ephesians Sun Bible Study 2022-02-27_Eph_Ch6.mp3
02/23/22 The Protestant Reformation Gabel Duke A Study of Religious Beliefs Wed Bible Study 2022-02-23_The_Protestant_Reformation.mp3
02/20/22 Ephesians Chapter 5:6-33 Martin Adams Ephesians Sun Bible Study 2022-02-20_Eph_Ch5_pt2.mp3
02/16/22 A Study of Religious Beliefs Lesson 8 Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Wed Bible Study Lesson4-AnOverviewOfPentecostalism_UVA.pdf 2022-02-16_Religious_Beliefs_L8.mp3
02/13/22 Ephesians Chapter 5:1-21 Martin Adams Ephesians Sun Bible Study 2022-02-13_Eph_Ch5.mp3 021322_-_Ephesians_-_Lesson_8.pdf
01/30/22 Ephesians Chapter 4:1-16 Martin Adams Ephesians Sun Bible Study 2022-01-30_Ephesians_Ch4.mp3
01/26/22 An Overview of Islam pt. 2 Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Wed Bible Study 2022-01-26_Religious_Beliefs_L5.mp3 011822Lesson3-AnOverviewOfIslamNew-1643575752.pdf
01/23/22 Ephesians Chapter 3 Martin Adams Ephesians Sun Bible Study 2022-01-23_Ephesians_Ch3.mp3
01/19/22 An Overview of Islam pt. 1 Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Wed Bible Study 2022-01-19_Religious_Beliefs_L4.mp3 011822Lesson3-AnOverviewOfIslamNew.pdf
01/12/22 The Roman Catholic Church pt 2 Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Wed Bible Study 2022-01-12_Religious_Beliefs_L3.mp3 010522_-_Lesson2-TheRomanCatholicChurchNew-1642366187.pdf
01/09/22 The Roman Catholic Church Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Sun Bible Study 2022-01-09_Religious_Beliefs_L2.mp3 010522_-_Lesson2-TheRomanCatholicChurchNew.pdf
01/02/22 A Study of Religious Beliefs Lesson 1 Larry Rouse A Study of Religious Beliefs Sun Bible Study 2022-01-02_A_Study_of_Religious_Beliefs_L1.mp3 010522_-Lesson_1_-_Introduction_and_Approach_-_A_Study_of__Religious_BeliefsRevised_2022.pdf
12/29/21 Lesson 6 - Defending the Place of the Apostles pt 2 Larry Rouse The Place and Work of the Apostles Wed Bible Study 121921_-_Lesson_6_-_Defending_the_Place_of_Apostles-1641177917.pdf 2021-12-29_Apostles_L13.mp3

Displaying 176 - 200 of 310

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