Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
08/14/24 Lesson 10 - The Sermon on the Mount - Worry, Fear and Judgment Without Mercy Larry Rouse The Sermon on the Mount Wed Bible Study Lesson10-SermonOnTheMountMt6-19-7-6.mp3 081424-Lesson10-SermonOnTheMount-Mt6-19-7-6.pdf
08/11/24 Ezra 7-8 - Relying on God Martin Adams Ezra and Nehemiah Sun AM 081124_-_Ezra7-8MAdams.mp3
08/07/24 Lesson 9 - true Devotion to God and the Temptation of Pride Larry Rouse The Sermon on the Mount Wed Bible Study 080724_-_Lesson_9_-_True_Devotion_to_God_and_the_Temptation_of_Pride.pdf 080723_-_Lesson9BLRouse.mp3
08/04/24 Ezra 5-6 Martin Adams Ezra and Nehemiah Sun Bible Study 080424_-_Ezra5ClassMAdams.mp3
07/28/24 Lesson 9 - True Devotion to God and the Temptation of Pride Larry Rouse The Sermon on the Mount Wed Bible Study 080724_-_Lesson_9_-_True_Devotion_to_God_and_the_Temptation_of_Pride-1723239463.pdf 072824-SermonOnTheMountLesson9ARouse.m4a
07/21/24 Lesson 2 - Ezra 1 - Obeying God's Call Martin Adams Ezra and Nehemiah Gospel Meeting 072124-Lesson2-Ezra-ObeyingGodsCallMAdams.mp3
02/01/24 Christ in You The Hope of Glory - Lesson Yvette Rouse Christ in You the hope of Glory Lady's Bible Study 020124_-_Ladies_Class.mp3
01/31/24 Lesson 4 - Money and The Family Larry Rouse The Christian and Money Wed Bible Study 013124-Lesson4-MoneyAndTheFamilyLRouse.mp3
01/24/24 Lesson 3 - Spending Money and Debt Larry Rouse The Christian and Money Wed Bible Study 012424_-_Lesson3-SpendingMoneyAndDebtLRouse.mp3
01/18/24 Ezekiel - 37 Martin Adams N/A Sun Bible Study 012824-Ezekiel37MAdams.mp3
01/17/24 Lesson 3 - Spending Money and Debt Larry Rouse The Christian and Money Wed Bible Study 011724-Lesson3-SpendingMoneyAndDebt.mp3
01/14/24 Ezekiel - 34 Martin Adams The Book of Ezekiel Sun AM 011424-Ezekiel34MAdams.mp3
01/10/24 Lesson 2 - Earning Money Larry Rouse The Christian and Money Wed Bible Study 011024-Lesson2-EarningMoneyLRouse.mp3
01/07/24 Ezekiel 33 Martin Adams The Book of Ezekiel Sun Bible Study 010724_-_Exekiel33.mp3
01/03/24 Lesson 2 - Earning Money Larry Rouse The Christian and Money Wed Bible Study 010324-_Lesson_2_-_Earning_Money.mp3
12/31/23 Ezekiel - 29-32 Martin Adams The Book of Ezekiel Sun AM 123123-Ezekiel29-32MAdams.mp3
12/27/23 Lesson 1 - Money and the Revealing of Our Hearts Larry Rouse The Christian and Money Wed Bible Study 122723-Lesson1-MoneyAndTheRevealingOfOurHeartsLRouse.mp3
12/24/23 When Your Mind Becomes a Dungeon Larry Rouse N/A Sun AM 122423-WhenYourMindBecomesADungeon.mp3
12/17/23 Ezekiel - 25-28 Martin Adams The Book of Ezekiel Sun AM 121723-Ezekiel25-28MAdams.mp3
12/10/23 Ezekiel - 23-24 Martin Adams The Book of Ezekiel Sun AM 121023-Ezekiel23-24MAdams.mp3
12/06/23 Lesson 8 - How Does a Local Church Deal with Sin? Larry Rouse Moral Issues of Our Time Wed Bible Study 120623-Lesson8HowToDealWithSinInALocalChurchLRouse.mp3
12/03/23 Ezekiel 22 Martin Adams The Book of Ezekiel Sun AM 120323-Ezekiel22MAdams.mp3
11/29/23 Lesson 8 - How Does a Local Church Deal with Sin? Larry Rouse Moral Issues of Our Time Wed Bible Study 112923-Lesson8-HowToDealWithSinInALocalChurchLRouse.mp3
11/26/23 Ezekiel 21-22 Larry Rouse N/A Sun AM 112623-Ezekiel21-22MAdam.mp3
11/22/23 Lesson 7 - Applying God's Law on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage Larry Rouse Moral Issues of Our Time Wed Bible Study 112223-Lesson7-ApplyingGodsLawOnMDRLRouse.mp3

Displaying 26 - 50 of 310

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